4×4 Washington Event – Butt-Stomper p.3


4×4 Washington Event – Butt-Stomper -Don Schultz


After arriving, some of us played on the rocks while others decided to test their mettle on “the crack”, a short extremely steep crevice that loves to swallow narrow wheelbase vehicles. bs2000_0448_small.jpg (10159 bytes)

not ‘the crack.’

bs2000_thecrack_02_small.JPG (9973 bytes) Eric with his wide custom axles made it, no sweat. In fact he did it so fast I missed it! Luckily, our ZUKIWORLD online managing editor was able to scare up a picture of this ‘event.’

Then Dan finessed his way through “the crack” without mishap. Way to go “Big Dog”! Dan was so thankful that he got down on his knees and gave his Swampers a big kiss!

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Unfortunately, in the midst of all this excitement, some members of our party had to depart early in order to meet other commitments that evening. So, sadly we had to say goodbye to Jake, Uncle T, Skip and Tom before resuming our play on Funny Rocks a little longer.

By the time it was Brett’s turn we had quite a crowd of spectators. Brett made a courageous effort but when one tire slipped into “the crack” it was all over.

He ended up driving home with a few new battle scars, but he wore them proudly.

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Last, but not least, Brent decided to take on “the crack” and gave it a valiant effort. He refused to give up, but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t… quite… do… it.

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Brent’s attempts at the crack.

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Even so, it was a great spectacle and an excellent demonstration of how tough his new nerf bars and rear bumper really are.

bs2000_cover_small.JPG (12278 bytes) Don wanting to be an astronaut.

bs2000_0577_small.jpg (13244 bytes) The gang at lunch.

When no one else was brave (or foolish) enough to try “the crack” we proceeded on to an area called “Moon Rocks” where we had more rock crawling fun. After playing on the rocks, we stopped for a late picnic style lunch and to decide what, if anything else, we had time do before heading for home.

It was decided that we had just enough time for one short trail before taking the long drive back across the mountains to the staging area. So, most of the group followed Brian through the Little Naches Trail where somehow Brent managed to find a little mud to play in. The drive back to the staging area was an adventure in itself as the 9 Samurai spread out and kicked up dust for miles and miles on the winding forest roads.

Even though some came from as far away as Oregon and Canada to be a part of this rigorous two day event, I don’t think anyone went home disappointed. It was a well planned and executed event with enough fun and excitement to make you want to do it again and again. A special thanks to Junior our host, Brian and Skip our guides, our distinguished guests from Higher Heights and Trail Tough, our special “mystery guests” the Bewleys and everyone whose participation made Butt-Stomper 2000 a trip to remember!

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