The Humble Journey of a Steel Exhaust Header.
Editor: Eric Bewley Photo: J. Hutchison, D. Arnold, B. Bagwell
MOAB, UT – Moab, a place where you see many things you don’t normally see during the course of an ordinary life. Sometimes strike you as different and one can not help but take notice. Other occurrences are more subtle and may need someone or something to draw your attention to it.
Over the course of our week in Moab, we we’re haunted, if you will, by a roaming header that seemed to follow us everywhere we went. Asked why but with no discernable answer it seems this exhaust header craved the wheeling lifestyle and was going to be in Moab for the festivities irregardless of whether the rest of his vehicle was going to attend. For this header had traveled many miles and was not going to be stopped by such a small thing as the absence of the rest of his vehicle. We we’re lucky enough to catch a few glimpses of this brave little exhaust header as we traveled on our journey and will now share those images with you.
Our first spotting, Note that Zig’s header camouflaged himself in a most cunning fashion by making sure that the rust on the sign matched his.
A common stop for supplies and shop support, Moab 4×4 outpost has what every wheeler needs. Maybe a new gasket? Chillin’ at the condo. This seemed to be Zig’s header’s second favorite spot. We found “numero uno” later.
Zig’s header obviously has good decision making skills and wanted to party with only the best. Longing for last year’s excitement. Zig’s header took a trip down memory lane by spending a few precious moments in the driver’s seat of Blake Savage’s Samurai buggy.
Pretending to be a fossil. Zig’s header again used clever camouflage to become a casual observer of our daily activities. Hmm…. A spot of rain isn’t going to slow this hardy traveler down.
Persistance is rewarded with a great view. Oh me; oh my, these round bumps feel so good!
A couple of times we noticed the RC crawlers missing. An investigation revealed a series of secret rendezvous for inanimate objects to celebrate their uniqueness.
During your travels be on the lookout for Zig’s exhaust header. It just may be traveling a trail next to you!