Fall Classic – Overland Adventure



BEND, OR – Come and join in the camaraderie of the cold and explore some of the greatest examples of high desert life available in North America. Low key and fun based, The Fall Classic is on it’s 17th year of providing ‘good times’ to those that attend. This un-event will not feature any classes, there will not be any tents with cookware or flashy LED lights for sale (we love those things but there are better places and times for that). What there will be is plenty of driving, hiking, exploring, and campfire shenanigans. For example, this year we’ve added a Tomahawk Toss tournament for all to enjoy. If you own a Suzuki 4×4 and want to come hang out, read more below and then let us know by signing up here: Forum Sign-up

Read All about it… 

2017 – BEND, OR – It’s been 15 years now that we’ve been trekking to the central Oregon desert in mid-November to adventure, explore, and hang-out. Every year gives us a new opportunity to reconnect and enjoy each other’s company as we find new and exciting or fun to revisit points of interest in central Oregon and this year was no exception. From the magnificent Christmas Valley dunes, to the ancient rocks and caves near Cougar mountain, to over exuberant locals at the Waterin’ Hole Tavern in Ft. Rock, there was something for everyone this year.

2016 – Bend, OR – A great long-weekend was had by all that attended this year’s Fall Classic. This year’s diverse group of trail riders and overlanders was rewarded with a broad cross section of what central Oregon has to offer. Driving took a back seat this year as more focus was spent on hiking the natural surroundings. With very mild weather and mostly clear skies, many of the area’s points of interest were explored.

2015 – Bend, OR – We’ve been putting on this event since the early 2000’s and even though it’s held in the same general area, as a group we always seem to find and do new and interesting things each year. Weather is always a driving factor this time of year in the high-desert and we were lucky enough to have clear and beautiful skies for the whole weekend. This made the camping, adventure, and shenanigan all that much better.

2014 – Bend, OR –   This year’s adventure was yet again another blast. There is so much to see in Central Oregon and it is always amazing to see just how much we can dig up and see while we’re out there. Highlights include: finding a different and easier way to view the A6 Intruder aircraft wreckage, hitting the Christmas Valley dunes at night and from a complete different direction, and finding an actual cache, not a geocache, but a 40 year old stash of money that a local group of friends but into the side of a mountain long ago.

2011 – CENTRAL OREGON – Bigger and better than ever best describes this year’s Fall Classic. A bigger crowd combined with more snow and lower than usual temperatures created a memorable and we think “better” experience for all Fall Classic participants. Excitement ensued even before we started as extremely treacherous road conditions forced a couple of participants into the ditch before the rendezvous point in LaPine. Dennie and Carolyn received the worst of it as their two door hard top Sidekick ran afoul of the icy roads and ended up on it’s side. Not to have their spirits dampened by the crash, they flipped their rig back over on the wheels and continued on and were not even late to the meeting spot.

2010 – Fort Rock, OR – As stated by the immortal Bill and Ted, “Excellent!” would be the one word to describe this year’s event. There seemed to be a coming together of elements that made this adventure a real hootenanny. The weather as always was unpredictable but this year gave us a real treat by covering us in snow and staying cold enough so that we didn’t get too wet, the return of our good friend and Zukiworld Staff member, Zig, attempting and succeeding in one of his cross country road trips, the night-time adventures of Davey and crew, the geocache finding and the planting of new, and the land itself gave all who dared to join us a wonderful and memorable time.
2009 – Christmas Valley, OR – As long as can be remembered, we have never been more blessed with the most mild and gentle weather than that which we had for this adventure. This year brought a lot of familiar faces and some new adventurers too that decided to join us for fun. They certainly weren’t disappointed as this weekend could not have been more perfect for adventure.

2007 – Fort Rock, OR – The fall classic always seems to be one of our favorite events every year. We always look forward to it and are never disappointed. We had a great turn out of hearty adventurers ready and willing to endure the challenging weather to experience the wonder and awe that this area provides. We ‘tweaked’ one of the aspects of the adventure to see if it would make it a little less daunting for the average thrill seeker. What we did was instead of having two camp spots over the weekend we decided to have a base camp and do a big loop on the second day for our fun. The benefit was to be two-fold, first we wouldn’t have to make camp twice and second we wouldn’t have to carry our camp gear in the vehicle.

2006 – FT. ROCK, OR – The “Fall Classic” more than just delivered on expectations with cold weather, open trails, and spectacular views it overwhelmed us with great views, extremely open trails and very cold weather. We were fortunate enough to have our good friend Zig along for the trail ride as well. The Christmas Valley dunes were quite welcoming as always and for the first time we were able to take the trail down to the center of the “hole in the ground” geological feature.

2004 – CHRISTMAS VALLEY, OR –  Last fall Eric invited me out to Oregon to ride in the season finale Adventure Series ride of 2004. He was planning a trip from LaPine to Christmas Valley in mid-November. I had read the Zukiworld article on a previous trip to the same area and definitely wanted to go along on this adventure.

2002 – LAPINE, OR -Our concluding adventure for the 2002 Adventure Series was an exciting event with several new faces signed up to brave the cold weather in hopes of seeing something new and interesting. We had a total of 11 vehicles for this ‘wagon train of discovery.’ Our plan was to visit South Ice Cave, Cabin Lake, Ft. Rock, Derreck Cave, Hole in the ground, Christmas Valley Dunes, The Lost Forrest, and Crack in the Ground. This was a pretty ambitious schedule considering we only had 2 1/2 days which were shortened by the winter season to about 8 hours of daylight.


About ZUKIWORLD Online: We are an enthusiast web site dedicated to the promotion of the Suzuki Automobile as the best and most capable vehicle on the planet. We offer product reviews, Tech tips, DIY, Travel and Adventure, Forum, Technical information, Life Style, and so much more! 


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PRINEVILLE, OR – We have been holding the Fall Classic adventure event for over 20+ …


  1. Any word word on the 2023 event? Had a blast last year.

    • Hello Dana – the Fall Classic is ALWAYS the weekend before Thanksgiving and the main camp is the same as well… More details are coming but you can hang your hat on that part. :)

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