Central Oregon Adventure – ‘The Fall Classic’

BEND, ORIt’s been 15 years now that we’ve been trekking to the central Oregon desert in mid-November to adventure, explore, and hang-out. Every year gives us a new opportunity to reconnect and enjoy each other’s company as we find new and exciting or fun to revisit points of interest in central Oregon and this year was no exception. From the magnificent Christmas Valley dunes, to the ancient rocks and caves near Cougar mountain, to over exuberant locals at the Waterin’ Hole Tavern in Ft. Rock, there was something for everyone this year.

   PHOTO: D. Arnold, M. Verley E. Bewley
   VIDEO: M. Verley
   STORY/EDITOR: E. Bewley




This year we decided to treat the event a little more like a rendezvous vs. a guided trail ride. What that meant was people did a bit more coming and going at different times and some groups split off during parts of the weekend to do things they were more interested in doing. This worked well and it gave several chances for people to experience different things over the weekend. Highlights were going and hiking Fort Rock as this is always beautiful and inspirational in the late Fall weather, a group split off and went to explore the ‘caves’ and other places that had settlements of ‘early man’ around the area, another group took a snow way into camp on the first day and enjoyed some deep powder while navigating around the north edge of the Newberry Crater on trail 80, the dunes were explored with vigor and with enough time for everyone that went there to get a good hearty portion of the sand.

Below here is a video from Matt Verley, our resident tech gadget guru and videographer, chronicling the weekend.

This year was a blast and we look forward to even more journeys like this next year. If you have any suggestions for overland adventures in your Suzuki, please don’t hesitate to comment below, hit up or forum, or send us an email. Onward to 2018!


About ZUKIWORLD Online: We are an enthusiast web site dedicated to the promotion of the Suzuki Automobile as the best and most capable vehicle on the planet. We offer product reviews, Tech tips, DIY, Travel and Adventure, Forum, Technical information, Life Style, and so much more! 

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  1. Fall Classic 2018. There are several of us from North Idaho wanting to attend. We need more info on cost for the event, who do we contact to attend and basic info on what to expect in the area of the event.
    I asked these questions a few weeks back and have heard nothing yet.
    Best Regards,
    Ranger Rick
    North Idaho

  2. Just a question… do we have dates for the next one? And a meeting spot?

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