ZUKIWORLD Welcomes Zuks Offroad, ZOR



ZUKIWORLD Welcomes Zuks Offroad, ZOR.

Editor: Eric Bewley Photo:ZOR

CAMP VERDE, AZ – Myron Thorson owner of Zuks Off Road has been in the process of creating some great new and inventive products for Suzuki enthusiasts. We recently had a chance to welcome his company to the ZUKIWORLD family and to find out a bit more about his company in a short Q&A session. 

Q: How long have you been in business? A: Zuks Off Road started in November of 2004. Q: What inspired you to start your business? A: My father-in-law purchased an ’87 Samurai; I had seen them before but never driven one. I started making that Samurai more capable by manufacturing my own bumpers, armor, etc…  Q: It sounds like happenstance that you started this Suzuki focused business. What initially drew you towards a Suzuki based product line? A: If my Father-in Law had a Jeep, I probably would own “Jeepsoffroad”. But I fell in love with the Suzuki Product. Q: What are the capabilities of your shop? A: I have a Fab11 “Big Brute” tubing bender, Mill, Lather, Tubing notcher, I have a buddy two doors down that has 2 CNC Hass mills, a Fanuc CNC lather, I use Head Water Jet in Phoenix for my water jetting and Action Fabrication in Minnesota makes over 40 items for me.

Q: Where do you see off-roading in 5 years? A: Off-roading is like any other sport, people come and go. The main reason I started ZOR was boys will always spend money on their toys. Off-roading will continue to grow. Q: What/where is your favorite wheeling spot? A: Smasher Canyon…. …Sycamore canyon are my favorite spots. The trail head for Sycamore Canyon trails is about 34 minutes from the shop. I have a local trail right outside of town named after me, sort of. It is called “MY’s nightmare”. Not one rig has gotten through the tank traps obstacles yet. LOL! We take all the buggy projects there for testing. Q: Any new products we should be looking out for? A: I have over 30 new products I am working on but we barely keep up with the day to day orders and shop work on customers rigs. I am hoping to be bringing on more employees soon. I am to picky about the quality of work so my employees tend to get frustrated quickly with my overbearing attitude. The solid brass shifter sheet has been a really big success so the solid brass transmission shifter sheet is in the works. I finally was able to finish the prototypes for the sidekick bumpers so you should see those soon. We are constantly trying to improve everything we make and listen to what our customers want. I usually get 1 or 2 emails a week with new ideas from the Zuk community.

ZOR Zuks Off Road

(928) 567-3061

712 Monte Verde Lane unit 101
Camp Verde, AZ 86322



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