Installing a Soft Top On Your Samurai


Installs Specialty Tops Aero Model Top for Samurai.

Editor: Eric Bewley Photo: Cindy Hawkins

MERLIN, OR -Hawk Strictly Suzuki has the latests in Specialty Tops for your Samurai. Through a special purchase they are able to bring you a great deal on one of the most unique tops out there. The Specialty Top’s AeroTM top. For a limited time Hawk Strictly Suzuki 1(888)SAMURAI is offering this top at the amazing price of $299 USD. The Kit comes with all the hardware needed to install including a new crossbar and is available in black and white colors only. Call today!

Installation at the Hawk Strictly Suzuki Facility:

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special bracket

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install bracket

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slide top in groove

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snap on to tailgate

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finished Samurai


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  1. Obviously not but I did find one similar. It’s called a 3top, it’s made in Europe and it’s in 3 pieces. You can have the removable front section as a bikini top and add one of the 2 back sections. One is a fastback with tinted windows and the other is a standard back with clear windows. It only comes in black and is presently out of stock but is supposed to be in soon, 2-3/2019. I can’t see the back seat being usable with any fast back top. I have one ordered and I’ll post here when I get mine.
    My first Sami had a Bestop 2 piece top in the late 80s but they stopped making it.

  2. Are these still being made and where can I get one?

  3. Hi there, this is just what I am looking for!

    Do you still have stock of the soft top in Black with the bracket?

    Many thanks in advance, Jamie

    • Just what I’m looking for also. How do they stack up with bestop? and how do I order one? Call? Can you still use the backseat? That isn’t possible with the sprint from bestop. Similar but not this. Thanks Gary

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